Graduated (age 22) at the Stockholm School of Economics.
Military service in the Royal Swedish Navy.
Studies for a master’s degree in business.
Administration and Economics at the University of Kansas.
Assistant to the President in a Swedish merchandising company.
Vice President (age 26) in a Large music publishing company.
Started working for IMS International as the assistant to the President.
The following year he became managing director for the companies in Spain and Italy (age 27).
Continued working for IMS in various capacities becoming eventually President, CEO and Chairman for IMS International Inc quoted on the NYSE. IMS is the world’s largest market research company, with offices in over 100 countries.
Member of the Board of the Opera of Savona.
Member of the Board of the Birgit Nilsson Foundation.
Chairman of the Board of the Svenstad Foundation « Birgit Nilsson Museum »,
Chairman of the company « Birgit Nilsson Minne AB ».
Active in various cultural activities.
Chairman of various Foundations.